19日上午,中国人民大学副校长兼汉语国际推广研究所副所长杨慧林教授首先应邀宣读了题为“经文辩读与阐释循环”的论文,剑桥大学三一学院三一论钦定讲座教授David Ford做了长篇回应。随后,杨慧林教授和David Ford回答了与会学者提出的问题。在上午第二节的讨论中,与会学者围绕着经文辩读与哲学诠释学主题,进一步展开了热烈的讨论,主要涉及问题包括:经文辩读的理论与实践以及进入中国语境的可能性;亚伯拉罕传统三大宗教与中国古代主要哲学/宗教流派在对待文本上的不同态度与方法;比较哲学、宗教对话与跨文化交流的现状和前景;等等。
19号下午,伦敦国王学院教义学教授Oliver Davies从另一个角度回应杨慧林教授的论文。Oliver Davies的回应强调了西方科学精神,特别是现代神经与生命科学的发展在哲学自我认识中所起的作用,杨慧林教授则重新阐发了中国传统思想中“易则动、动则生、生则衡、衡则和”的范式。
在20号的会议中,耿幼壮教授与伦敦国王学院Alex Callinicos教授分别介绍了马克思主义在中国与西方的境遇、影响与地位。两位教授都认为,在当前迅速变化的世界中,马克思主义仍然可能提供宝贵的启示,在历史的这一发展阶段,马克思主义学说仍然需要中西方学者的严肃对待和认真研究。在随后的讨论中,与会学者们围绕着这一主题,就中西之间有关身份认同、政治变革、经济形式、伦理道德等主题进行了深入的讨论。
The People’s Republic of China and the West are encountering each other in new ways in the modern world. Both have an important investment in understanding each other better. There are however considerable obstacles to mutual understanding for long-term historical, social and cultural reasons. The present project, involving a small group of invited scholars from Christian, Confucian and Marxist backgrounds, from
The workshop is based on the collaboration between King’s College London and Renmin University of China, including the Institute of Christian Culture and the School of Liberal Arts at Renmin, with the Department of Theology & Religious Studies, the Centre for Religions, Theology and Public Life, and the Lau China Institute at King’s.
A series of workshops is planned, the first of which will take place on 18th - 20th June, 2012, at King’s College London. In this colloquium (‘Forging Communication’), the focus will lie upon the present and future dialogue between Christianity in China and in the West, within the inclusive context of engagement with Confucianism and Marxism, together with questions of comparative history and culture.
Oliver Davies
Geng Youzhuang